You have been denied permission to access this folder windows 10

There are times when you get the “You have been denied permission to access this folder. To gain access to this folder you will need to use the security tab” error while trying to access a system protected a folder in Windows 10 or earlier versions of Windows.

You get the error when trying to access the WindowsApps folder and to get access to the folder, make suitable changes to the folder’s permission. But, in this case, you need to have admin password for changing system files and folders permissions on the Windows 10 system.

Well, for protecting the files from unauthorized access Windows 10 lock certain folders. And due to this some files and folders become inaccessible for some non-administrator users.

So, here in this article, check out the complete information to fix “you have denied permission to access this folder” error on Windows 10.


How to Fix Windows 10 Denied Permission To Access Folder


Here try the solutions given one by one to fix you need permission to access this folder in Windows 10.


Fix 1: Change the Ownership of the Folder


As it is said already, in Windows 10 many folders are protected and due to this, you are unable to access them without certain rights. But by changing the folder ownership, you can fix the “You have been denied permission to access this folder” error message.

Here follow the steps to change the ownership:

  • First, locate the folder that you are unable to access and right click on it > choose Properties from the menu.

  • Now go to Security tab > click Advanced button

  • Next at the top of Windows look for Owner section > click the Change button

  • And in Enter the object name to select field > type the username or email address related with Microsoft account. Click Check Names > if your input is correct, the input field will change. This is totally normal, so don’t worry about it.

Please Note: However some users suggested entering Everyone instead of username. Well, this also works for you, but it allows every user on your PC to have full access to the folder.

  • And click OK button to save the changes.
  • Now the Owner section will now be changed > check to Replace owner on subcontainers and objects option > click Apply and OK

Hope after taking the ownership over the folder, you will be able to access it without any issues.

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Fix 2: Close Shared Folder Sessions


Many users reported that the issue occurs after making changes to the ownership settings. So, if you are also facing this, then you have to close Shared Folder Sessions.

Follow the steps to do so:

  • Press Win + X menu > and from the menu > choose Computer Management.

  • As the Computer Management opens > move to System Tools > Shared Folders > Sessions.
  • Now you should see entire available sessions > right click them > from the menu select Close Session. Additionally, in the left pane, you can also right-click Sessions > select Disconnect All Sessions.

  • And, close Computer Management.

Now check if the folder access denied issues is resolved in Windows 10 or not.

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Fix 3: Use Command Prompt to Access Files


Well, if after following the above solutions you are still getting the “You have been denied permission to access this folder” error message. Then there is a way to avoid the issues and access the folders.

You can make use of the Command Prompt as administrator, to access any folder on your system without any issue.

Follow the given instructions:

  • Press Windows Key + X > and select Command Prompt (Admin) from the menu.

  • Now as the Command Prompt starts, you can use it for accessing and copying files from the problematic folder.

Well, this is an easy way to fix folder access denied Windows 10 error.


Fix 4: Create a New Group and Add User Account to It


This is a working solution that helped many users to fix the “you have denied permission to access this folder” issue in Windows 10. Here you need to create a new group and give ownership over the folder to the new group.

Follow the step to do so:

  • Hit Windows Key + R > and in the Run dialog box > enter lusrmgr.msc > hit Enter.

  • As the Local Users and Groups window opens > in the left pane choose Groups > right click Groups > select New Group.

  • And New Group window will appear > enter desired Group name > click the Add button

  • Then in Enter the object names to select filed > type your username or Microsoft account email > click Check Names > if the input is valid > click OK

  • Click the Create button > for creating the new group.

  • And close the window.

Now after creating the new group, you need to change the ownership of the problematic folder. To do so follow the steps given in the (Fix 1: Change the Ownership of the Folder)

Please Note: Make sure to enter the name of the group while changing the ownership instead of username. Additionally, if you see “Replace all existing inheritable permissions on all descendants with inheritable permissions from this object” option during changing the ownership, make sure to select it.

Hope this works for you to fix the error message you have been denied access to this folder, but if still the error persists then follow the next solution.

Also ReadFix Windows “Unable To Access” Network Resource Error


Fix 5: Copy the Folder to a Different Location


If you are still unable to access the folder or getting the “You have been denied permission to access this folder” error then the only option left is to copy the folder to the different location and try to access it from there. This solution worked for many users, so it is worth to try it once.




It is estimated that after following the above-given solutions you are able to get rid of the error message you have denied permission to access this folder Windows 10.

The error “You have denied permission to access this folder” appears if you are not having the necessary privileges to access the specific folder. Well, changing the ownership of the folder or copying folder to another location will help you to fix the issue in Windows 10.

But if not then feel free to follow other solutions given in the article.

Moreover, it is found that following the solutions will make your system slow to perform and crashes frequently.

So, if your system is crashing and slow then feel free to scan your system with the Windows Repair Tool. This is an advanced tool that just by scanning once detect and fix various Windows operating system issues and errors.

With this quickly fix errors like corrupted Windows system files, malware/virus, Registry error, PC error, DLL error, Network error, Hard Drive failure, and many others.

Despite this, make sure to update Windows  10 system, device drivers with the latest updates,  delete temporary filesscan your system with a good antivirus program and uninstall the unwanted applications at the regular interval of time to make your system perform better.

To know more about the Windows errors and issues visit @ 

FIXED: “You Have Been Denied Permission to Access This Folder” Error in Windows 10